It all started for me about 5 years ago with the purchase of a new set of Velocity Spartacus road wheels. As you can see, they're built with a set of Deep V's. It was the first time I'd ever heard, seen or ridden a pair of Velocity Deep V's. Back when they only really came in silver or black. They were the first Velocity product I'd ever used. Overall the wheels were great! I loved the sound they made when cutting through the wind and they were nice, strong and fast. Only going out of true, slightly mind you, was when some mother fucker turned right into me nearly head on while I was crossing and intersection (ahaha! I just remembered that I blogged that accident on my old myspace blog in 04'!). A couple years after, I ended up passing them on to a friend who still rides them to this day. When I was getting parts together for another build, I got a set Deep V's without even thinking about it. Along with the next set of wheels I had built. Before you knew it, EVERYONE seemed to have them in every crazy color imaginable. Which made sense to me. Combine with a 32 hole high flange hub they're fucking INDESTRUCTIBLE. Which obviously keeps wheel maintenance at a minimum. Is it slightly annoying and trendy for everyone to be riding them? Maybe. But this is what generally happens to well built dependable products. You know, like Levis. Now I'm not saying there aren't a fuckload of other really great rims out there. They're DEF are. In my case, I'm just brand loyal. When I find something I like, I stick with it and make it a point to recommend them to everyone I know. I would assume that anyone who spends a lot of time riding on gnarly city streets would feel the same way about their preferred rim of choice. Having said that, is it annoying that people are buying them purely for their looks? Maybe. But here's the thing, what they're buying is a great reliable product that will more than likely stand the test of time. They're not buying into the type of lame fad that just gets tossed aside when the next new hot thing that comes along to replace it. They'll always have a use and value (unless Prolly gets his filthy mitts on them). So now that they're trendy what are people supposed to do? Stop riding them, or not even buy them just because everyone else has them? Please... What kind of a waste would that be? Don't ride them if you're not into em, but drop the hate. In this case, it's totally undeserved...
In my opinion this is a rare instance where the trend is actually a good thing and shouldn't be hated on. And to be perfectly honest, the bottom line is this: If the only reason you have to hate on Deep V's is because you're sick of seeing them around everywhere and that they're trendy etc.. Guess what? you're actually just part of another trend.. Go figure! Sorry, but if you can't beat em', join em'...
Update: While Deep V's are indeed Indistructable as stated from my expeirince with them for the most part, if they get run over by a car, much like anything that finds it's way under TWO TONS of pressure, they're going to get BENT really badly. This is called the E-X-C-E-P-T-I-O-N...
Update: While Deep V's are indeed Indistructable as stated from my expeirince with them for the most part, if they get run over by a car, much like anything that finds it's way under TWO TONS of pressure, they're going to get BENT really badly. This is called the E-X-C-E-P-T-I-O-N...